Showing 3 Result(s)

Debunking the Myth: Is Ukraine a Puppet of the United States?

The notion that Ukraine is a “puppet” of the United States is a perspective often rooted in geopolitical conspiracy theories and lacks substantial evidence. International relations are complex, and attributing a country’s actions solely to the influence of another can oversimplify the dynamics at play. Here are some key points to consider: Sovereignty of Ukraine …

blue and yellow striped country flag

Is Ukraine a Puppet of the United States?

The notion that Ukraine is a “puppet” of the United States is a perspective often rooted in geopolitical conspiracy theories and lacks substantial evidence. International relations are complex, and attributing a country’s actions solely to the influence of another can oversimplify the dynamics at play. Here are some key points to consider: Sovereignty of Ukraine …

time lapse photography of square containers at night

The Impact of Conflicts on Energy Prices Volatility

The global energy market is a complex web of interconnected players and factors that can greatly influence the prices of energy commodities. One such factor that can lead to increased volatility in energy prices is conflicts between key players in the market. In this article, we will explore the potential impact of conflicts on energy …